Microsoft Exchange Server

  • 网络邮箱服务器;微软交换服务器
Microsoft Exchange ServerMicrosoft Exchange Server
  1. A Solution to Enterprise Collaborative Web Based on Microsoft Exchange Server


  2. The downside : it is incompatible with Microsoft Exchange server security ;


  3. This article described how to deploy a Microsoft Exchange server using one of the IBM Pattern Lab automation assets .


  4. The second part of the OpenChange project is to provide a transparent replacement for the Microsoft Exchange Server .


  5. The downside : it is incompatible with Microsoft Exchange server security ; Samsung said it is working on a solution .


  6. Mobile office is now a popular method of office . Microsoft Exchange Server , an enterprise information cooperation system , provides a good mobile office system supported proposal-SMS access service .


  7. To set up the massive information management system based on Microsoft exchange server by groupware and workflows , to achieve these goals of manufacturing industry on cutting tools ' compositive performance .


  8. This article introduces the latest Microsoft Exchange Server 5 5 as an all information delivery platform which can meet the needs of all information processes , ranging form those of a whole enterprise to those of a department .


  9. This thesis is mainly investigating the enterprise information and knowledge management solution based on Web Storage System technology which is belonging to Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 . This thesis analyzed the properties of this technology and also compared it with the other similar technologies .
